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The causes of the thermostat malfunction and the signs that indicate that

The causes of the thermostat malfunction and the signs that indicate that

    The heart valve inside the car regulates the temperature of the car, and controls the amount of engine coolant while the car is running; 

    This is to prevent the engine from overheating, but the heat valve can be exposed to a malfunction that causes the car and the engine to overheat, as it can be affected by external variables such as atmospheric changes to the environment surrounding the car, as temperatures play a major role in opening and closing the heart valve in the car, as There are several reasons and signs that indicate a heart valve malfunction, and this article will explain the most important causes and symptoms of heart valve failure.

Symptoms and causes of heat sink malfunction

The causes of the thermostat malfunction and the signs that indicate that
The causes of the thermostat malfunction and the signs that indicate that

1. High-temperature indicator in the car

    The open thermostat balances the temperature of the engine while driving. When the car starts, the thermometer indicator is on the cold side, and it begins to gradually rise up while driving, but it maintains the ideal temperature for engine operation, and when the indicator is observed to rise above the optimum temperature This is an indication that the heart valve is closed due to a malfunction of the thermostat or the water pump, which means preventing the flow of coolant to the engine, and its high temperature, and that continuing to drive the car despite the high temperature of the engine leads to damage.

2. Change the air temperature inside the car

A sudden change in the temperature inside the car indicates a malfunction in the heart valve, which may cause the engine to malfunction or impede its function, as a result of freezing coolant, or contamination of the coolant, causing delays in opening and closing the heart valve, and excessively high or low temperatures.

3. Coolant leaking

Coolant flows inside the engine while the car is running to control the temperature of the car, and any coolant leakage can lead to it accumulating around the heat valve, impeding its movement, and not allowing coolant to flow through it, and this can cause fluid to leak into other pipes.

4. Noise sounds

Swollen or damaged heart valves can cause annoying sounds and strange noises from the radiator or engine. If you do not notice any temperature fluctuations inside the car or engine, annoying noises will often appear due to a malfunction in the valve.

5. Reflection of the air conditioner inside the car

When you notice a reflection in the temperature of the air conditioning system inside the car, this is a sign of a malfunction in the heart valve. When the heating mode is turned on in the winter and the cold air continues to flow inside the car despite the high temperature of the car indicator, this means an excessive flow of coolant to the engine Due to the continuous opening of the valve of heat.

Other reasons for the malfunction of the thermostat

    There are other reasons for the malfunction of the thermostat, including the following:

1. Technical problems

Poor manufacturing or any technical malfunction can obstruct the movement of the heart valve, although it is checked by the manufacturer before distributing it to the market, some technical problems may appear after use, which leads to a problem in the valve function or its malfunction.

2. Shelf life

The life span of each tool is an important part of its performance, as the life span of the thermostat is one of the reasons for its failure, due to damage to its internal parts caused by excessive cooling and heating of the regulator. This failure occurs slowly and does not appear suddenly.

3. Wrong installation

Improper installation of the thermostat can cause it to fail due to vibration while the vehicle is running and driving, causing the valve to turn upside down, stopping the coolant from flowing into the engine, as well as blocking airflow, one of the common problems that cause the valve to fail, as the flow of air towards the cooling system inside the car leads to an increase in the distance of the airflow needed to cool the engine, which means that it arrives later than the necessary time.

Heat valve repair

    Fever can be repaired when any of the previous symptoms are observed by following the following steps:

  • Turn off the car, and allow it to cool completely, before opening the hood.
  • Undo the terminal cables of the car battery, install the drain cover under the car, then remove the coolant.
  • Inspect and follow up the upper pipeline of the coolant, to determine the location of the heart valve, and then loosen the screws fixing it, which are usually three screws.
  • Pull the thermostat by moving it back and forth, then clean the location of the mold with a plastic scraper, to remove any debris or rust.
  • installation of a new thermostat; By moving it forward and backward, then fixing it with screws, tightening it well, then installing the cables, checking the new heat lamp by running the car, and noticing any symptoms that indicate a malfunction.

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